Last Friday we attended the CAL State Long Beach student fashion show. Miss Emilie was one of the hostess' and planners of the event. There were some pretty crazy outfits, (thigh stur-ups?) and also some pretty sweet stuff. Way to go fashion school! We also met the ladies from the super rad fashion blog
GoFugYourself. I highly recommend giving it a gander. These chicks are sharp, witty, and say all the things you want to but shouldn't. Jessica and Heather, I salute you.
Apparently I was suppose to be sitting on stage on the judges couches...but opted for a seat where I could slouch and it wouldn't be seen by hundreds of people. After some much needed beers, me and my pal Natasha, a designer from Chip and Pepper, sat in the VIP and had our own judging going... fabric choices were our main qualm for the evening. So important people!
So apparently Pepper is a superstar so he needs to have his sunglasses on all the time. ha ha
Um Chip are you flippin the bird?
Emilie Finch is the next American Idol!!! or just the host of the fashion show... your votes decide America.
A good time was had by all... except for my super cute bright flashy blue suede peep toe pumps that Pepper dropped a big glob of food on at the after event dinner...may they rest in peace.